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              To vote send the code to 5230.Cost is Sh.10 per sms.

1. Teen dance crew of the year
Ø  Zionists            DG21
Ø  Altarmin        DG29
Ø  De tour           DG27
Ø  Dabs                DG16
Ø  DICE               DG30

2. Most promising dance crew of the year
Ø  Unikk              DG4
Ø  Dafy                DG5
Ø  Shepherds        DG8
Ø  Flamers           DG10
Ø  Mashid            DG11
Ø  Diatomic         DG13
Ø  Miscars           DG3
Ø  S.O.G                DG9

3. Best groomed dance crew of the year
Ø  Alpachino       DG2
Ø  Above limits    DG26
Ø  G-cleff              DG15
Ø  Altarmin        DG29
Ø  Tsunami          DG17
Ø  Dabs                DG16

4. Male dance crew of the year
Ø  Alpachino       DG2
Ø  Platinum         DG1
Ø  G-cleff              DG15
Ø  Hotraxx          DG23
Ø  Altarmin        DG29
Ø  D.S.I                 DG31
Ø  Zionists            DG21
Ø  Detour             DG27

5. Female Dance crew of the year
  Ø  Above limits          DG26
  Ø  Ground breakers   DG28
  Ø  6. Cheetaz6            DG7

6. Nairobi dance crew of the year
Ø  D.S.I                 DG31
Ø  Zionists            DG21
Ø  Platinum         DG1
Ø  Detour            DG27
Ø  Altarmin        DG29
Ø  DICE                DG30
Ø  Alpachino       DG2
7. Hip hop dance crew of the year
Ø  Alpachino       DG2
Ø  Dabs                DG16
Ø  Tsunami          DG17
Ø  Habakkuk       DG12
Ø  Cheetaz6          DG7
Ø  Trewards         DG22

8. Most creative dance crew of the year
Ø  Flamers                       DG10
Ø  Loud whispers             DG6
Ø  Gospel warriors           DG14
Ø  Examples                     DG20
Ø  Shepherds                    DG8

9. Best traditional dance crew of the year
Ø  Trister             DG24
Ø  Exodus             DG19
Ø  Mystical          DG18
Ø  Mashid            DG11

10. Lingala dance crew of the year
Ø  Dafy                DG5
Ø  Trister             DG24
Ø  Diatomic         DG13
Ø  Yawa               DG25
Ø  Exodus             DG19

11. Dancehall dance crew of the year
Ø  D.S.I                 DG31
Ø  Zionists            DG21
Ø  Flamers           DG10
Ø  Examples         DG20
Ø  Tsunami          DG17

12. Mombasa dance crew of the year
Ø  Dabs                DG16
Ø  Exodus             DG19
Ø  Tsunami          DG17
Ø  G-cleff              DG15
Ø  Mystical          DG18

13. Kisumu dance crew of the year
Ø  Yawa               DG25
Ø  Trister             DG24
Ø  Hotraxx          DG23
Ø  Transformers  DG32

14. Artiste supporting dancers in video clips
Ø    DK                DG33
Ø  Hope Kid        DG34
Ø  Kevoh yout     DG35
Ø  Ole Willy         DG36
Ø  M.O.G               DG37

15. Event supporting dance krews
Ø  Back to dance                         DG38
Ø  Dunda dance festivals            DG39
Ø  Battle of the dance Krews      DG40
Ø  Extreme Dance                      DG41
Ø  Titans Ultimate dance           DG42

To vote send the code to 5230.Cost is Sh.10 per sms.

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