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Esther Kungu || Sept 18, 2012
I take great pleasure to invite you to yet another piece of PAR INSPIECE (it is a mouthful title once I break it down, ok, let me break it down before you blow up with curiosity. Priced Above Rubies Inspirational Pieces. You see, I knew your concentration would be deterred (okay, back to basics). It is a long time since I wrote something and I am beginning to feel like this like this (hivi, hivi or better still, stiff). I want to take you back to my weekend and even though my news writing teacher calls it, a stale story, before God, it is as fresh as it could ever be. Friday morning, excitement in the air for me as I look forward to dusk. 

Ironically, I was to attend two functions that same night; Overflow Ministry launch and the City hall Overnight prayers (kesha). All things ready, my heart ready, my time ready, my work for the day ready and I cannot wait for the two to arrive. Time passes on as it usually does, whether fast or slow, it does pass and flash-forward I’m in the PM waiting for the evening, while I work. A text message cancels out the launch event and I cannot tell how empathetic I feel for the vision carrier, Mr. DJ One but by God’s grace, I let it pass as the time. Out from the midst of trouble comes the miracle. I mean, my expectations for the night haven’t dwindled one bit but as a human being, it is not easy to just let go and let God. Even Jacob struggled a whole night with an angel and by daybreak, the young man still clinched on this man who broke his hip, to give him the blessing. He did not let go yet until he got the blessing. Okay, maybe that is different from what I am telling you to observe. The point is it is not easy.

At 7 pm, I clocked out to the house and got ready to go to town. I prepared supper and left, having prayed that the Lord gives me the ability to serve Him, in humility. At exactly, 9 pm I was on the road, the first bus to town, a few personal vehicles (which reminds me of a former primary school classmate who used to pronounce it as vechicoals- God bless you Paul, wherever you are) passed by and an empty Nissan or matatu stopped by taking me to Roysambu. It was like a detour for me since vehicles travelling to town on express mode were not available. To cut the travel story short, I arrived at City Hall. The hall was packed with 99 per cent youths and apparently, the young guys are there. I have a lot of admiration for men who forsake their ego to be at the feet of Jesus. They have walked away from drunkenness, sexual pollution, drugs and all the bad influences of this world, to cry at the Holy Of Holies. It is a gift of grace that works inside of them. They understand perfectly well who they are, why they were created, why they are men and how they handle women.

Women on the other, people say have soft hearts, but having a soft heart does not guarantee you are going to be a child of God. Eventually the calmness people see on the outside manifests and I hear this comment coming up often, “How could she do that? I mean she is so quiet, doesn’t talk much, and has no qualms with anyone?” That is the worldly mentality. The gentleness of spirit in any believing woman comes from the Holy Ghost. He is the one who rebukes me to shut up, when my throat yeans to nag, complain and ask so many ‘whys’. He tells me the truth according to God’s promises and His word. A woman in Jesus carries herself as precious, God’s own creation with the Master’s artistic design. Please do not get me wrong. These people I am describing here are human beings with weaknesses but the same God who created them calls them ‘gods’ (Ps 82:6). They fall so many times but they still rise up and take up the cross because this journey is not an express mode to perfection or copy paste salvation; it is a journey where a believer strives to crucify his/her flesh through the power of God and His amazing grace.

When we heard the word of God about cleansing ourselves and walking in a manner worthy of our calling, the ground was ready for praise. Judah, which means praise (the Lion of Judah, we are together now?) descended on us. The Lord has honored me with the grace of a Davidic dance; where you dance, praise and worship with all your heart, mind and strength until the devil (in David’s case it was his wife, Michal) despises you. One songwriter sang that when the praises go up, the glory comes down. The word in Ps.22:3 says that the Lord inhabits the praises of His people. He comes down and makes a dwelling (inhabits, where habitat is derived from meaning, a place of stay) with your praise. Never forget that His throne is enough. Even when David wanted to build the temple what did God say? Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Could you build me a temple as good as that?' asks the LORD. 'Could you build me such a resting place? (Isa 66:1 Acts 7:49). So count it an honor that the Lord takes habitation in your praises. 

When I learnt that my sacrifice of worship to God is between me and Him, and that He attends to me in person as well as to each believer (I have tried to wonder about His Omnipresence then I realized I was chasing after the wind, so I stopped), I put my first dancing foot forward and gave Him praise. Then as we were praising, dancing in His presence, He Came. The Holy of Holies just made His presence in our midst, physically tangible. I was on my knees one minute the next one I was prostrate before Him. Then an occurrence that happened almost a year ago, with so much vitality took over me…to be continued.

Courtesy of the City Hall Kesha
Christian articles, event updates, quotes, spoken word and other hot stuff, check out my wall by searching Esther Kung’u (Hadassah) on Face book. Let us grow in this experience together.

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