New Video


By Esther Kung'u || Oct 24, 2012 || Nairobi
The Lord is our refuge and our strength. In Him we place all our hopes and dreams. To Him we cast all our burdens and cares, because He is our burden bearer (Ps.68:19) He has promised us a future and a hope (Jer 29:11) and because He is not a man that He should lie, neither the son of man that He should repent, He will do what He says He will do. The Lord is coming to execute His word quickly. His yes and amen to the promises He makes for men that put their trust and lean not on their own understanding but in all their ways, acknowledge that He alone stands as God. For He says in his word that we love Him with all our all heart, all our mind and all our strength. Because He who started the work in us is faithful to bring it to completion. The Lord is delighted in your small beginnings and whenever He chastens You, do not despise His chastening because the Lord does so to those He loves.

He is faithful to keep His word to fifty generations and for those who chase after Him, those who seek His face with all diligence will find Him. Seek Him while He is near and can be found. He is able to do for you exceedingly abundantly above what you ask or imagine. When you ask, believe in your heart that you have received and it shall be done unto you according to His word. I repeat, the Lord is faithful. Abounding in mercy, slow to anger, a loving Father.

He stands guard over the righteous and whoever trusts in the Lord will never be disappointed. My heart will cry out to my God and in His throne, He will incline to my call. He will not let the enemies surrounding me to swallow me. The bulls of Bashan will not trample over me, for the Lord is my strength, the rock of my salvation. I choose to lay my life open and bare before the Holy of Holies because even Sheol and Hades are not hidden from His eyes. In His presence, darkness and light are the same. The Lord our God is a God of valor. He will fight my battles; carry me on his shoulders as we celebrate His victory, even before the war starts. I am the Lord’s and the Lord has called me precious in His sight, the apple of His eyes that whoever touches me touches Him. I will not avenge any of the wrongs my enemies have committed against me for the Lord declares that vengeance is his to execute. 
Stand back oh my enemy for the Lord who rides on the wheels of the wind and leaves clouds of dust when He walks is coming to avenge and vindicate His righteous ones. Do not stand in the way of His holy wrath for the Lord cannot be challenged, He stands justified. Let every man be called a liar but the Lord remains true. For I have seen the Lord and I have not died.

Holy One of Israel, You who sits on the throne of mercy. Justice and righteousness are the foundations of Your throne. In Your presence I will stand, covered by the cloak of righteousness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is by grace that I am considered qualified to step in the presence of the Holy of Holies for You are the anchor of my life, the author and finisher of my faith. It is You I want to be faithful to first because I will reflect the same to my brothers. I love You I love You, I love You my Jesus.

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